Contact Us
Contact Information
- Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am- 4pm
- Main Office: (716) 250-9999
- Billing: (716) 250-6401
- Disability Forms: (716) 250-6431
- Medical Records: (716) 250-6506
- Physical and Occupational Therapy: (716) 250-6500
- Buffalo Surgery Center: (716) 250-6520
- Buffalo Surgery Center – Endoscopy: (716) 250-9190
- Medical Records FAX: (716) 250-6555
- Employment: View Our Open Positions
- Patient Advocacy Manager
Surgery Scheduling Department
Customer service representatives in the surgery scheduling department are assigned to specific providers. To contact our surgery scheduling department please identify your surgeon below to ensure you are contacting the correct scheduler. PLEASE NOTE: The surgery scheduling telephone numbers are ONLY for patients who have already or need to schedule a surgery. All other general appointment calls please use the main appointment line: 716-250-9999
- Dr. McGrath, Dr. Miller: Angie – 716-250-6416
- Dr. Lanighan: Cheryl – 716-204-0727
- Dr. Gambacorta, Dr. Douglas, Dr. Chris Keating, Dr. Dan Keating, Dr. Zinno: Debbie – 716-204-0765
- Dr. Callahan, Dr. Carlson: Doreen – 716 250-6423
- Dr. Nicholas Violante, Dr. Ostempowski: Emily – 716-250-6539
- Dr. Jude Violante, Dr. Behr, Dr. Newsome: Hannah – 716-250-6513
- Dr. Stoeckl, Dr. Reed: Jennifer – 716-250-6531
- Dr. Hlubik, Dr. Vargo: Maddie – 716-204-0767
- Dr. Burzynski, Dr. Kelly, Dr. Mann, Dr. O’Leary: Maria – 716-250-6407
- Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Pula, Dr. Pochatko: Stephanie – 716-250-6510